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A4VG40液压配件 | A10VG45液压配件 | A2FM32液压配件 | A2FM56液压配件 | A2FM63液压配件 | A6VE80液压配件 | A6VE107液压配件 | A11VG50液压配件 | A8V107液压配件 |
PV21液压配件 | PV22液压配件 | PV23液压配件 | PV24液压配件 | PV25液压配件 | PV26液压配件 | HPV55液压配件 | BPV50液压配件 | HMV105液压配件 |
液压产品有:液压缸、液压过滤器、定量泵、变量泵、低速大扭矩马达、方向控制阀、Manapak夹心阀、伺服比例阀、逻辑阀、车载液压缸、储能系列产品及附件 油缸的规格有HMI,HMD,2L,3H,VH,MMB,MMA等系列。
Series 2HX, 3HX Electrohydraulic Actuators are cylinders engineered for your feedback and control systems.
They are offered with bolt-on or integral manifold and/or position sensing devices.
Two Valve Manifold Options:
Bolt-on Manifolds: 7 Standard (2HX only)
Integral Manifolds: 4 Standard
Two Feedback Options:
LDT: Linear Displacement Transducer
LRT: Linear Potentiometer
Standard Transducer Specifications:
Non-Linearity: Less than ±0.02% of cylinder stroke or ±0.002 inch, whichever is greater.
Repeatability: Better than ±0.001% of cylinder net stroke or 0.001 inch, whichever is greater.
Input Voltage: +13.5 to +26.4 VAC
Standard Operating Temperature: -40° F to 158° F.
Cylinder Stroke Length: Up to 300 inches.
Output :
Analog: Voltage or Current
Digital: Start/Stop or PWM
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