bauma China 2014: 即刻预登记获取免费参观
- 作者:液压泵网
- 时间:2014-06-12
- 阅读:0
免费参观bauma China 2014(价值50元人民币)
6月是高考,迎接新生活的转折点;6月是世界杯,加入体育界的狂欢节;6月是bauma China观众在线预登记,启动工程机械年度盛宴的免费通道!
bauma China 2014在过去的1年多时间里,一直在倾听行业的声音,在筹备中关注企业的发展。展商报名第一批截止在2月15号,之后主办方开始划分展位,bauma China的展位划分工作非常繁琐,需要根据展商各种要求,同时考虑到展品进出馆情况,以及各种展品互相协调。主办方力求满足所有展商的需求,对此一直诚惶诚恐,为了让所有报名企业都能在翘楚林立的大平台上尽显风采,充分利用上海新国际博览中心30万平方米的展示面积,是主办方最重要的任务,或说是责任!考虑到近3,000家展商对展位有各类不同需求,主办方在展位划分方面虽面临很大挑战,但会极尽所能满足大家的愿望,实现最充分的展示效果。在此,衷心感谢各参展企业对bauma China的支持与理解!
最近,主办方收到大量国际国内观展咨询。为及时提供观众观展信息,bauma China观众预登记系统已正式启动,比上届展会提早了近2个月。现在就可以点击此链接http://,免费获取参观通道,本届展会将和上届一样,对现场登记的观众将收取50元人民币门票,预登记观众免费参观,省去现场排队登记时间高效观展,更有最新展会展商动态提前掌握。
在行业调整最关键时期,无形中bauma China 2014将成为中国工程机械行业未来十年发展的重要转折点。来bauma China,看行业风向!无论中国工程机械行业处于巅峰或低谷,bauma China始终与大家在一起,用心看,用心想,唯有“工匠“心态才能帮助中国企业找到未来之路。将心筑入,欲建未来!
bauma China 2014: Register Now for Free Badge
Just click here to register and get:
Free badge to visit (valued 50 RMB of onsite registration)
Save time from queuing
Obtain latest news of exhibition and exhibitors in advance
The month of June is the football carnival of FIFA; the month of June is the start of visitor online registration for the construction machinery carnival of bauma China.
bauma China 2014 has worked hard for the past 2 years, listening to the voice of the industry and caring about the development of the enterprises. After February 15, the first deadline of exhibitor application, the organizer of bauma China has devoted to the work of booth allocation. In face of various requirements from about 3,000 exhibitors, the real situation of exhibits transportation and the exhibits arrangement over the 300,000 square meters’ exhibition space, the organizer cautiously coordinates the allocation and tries the best to meet the requests from all aspects and to optimize the utmost exhibition effect. Hereby we would like to deliver our gratitude to all the exhibitors for their kind support!
At present, the exhibitor application is still continuing. The applications indicate the great demand on outdoor exhibition areas and some companies are in the waiting list.
Recently, the organizer received a good deal of enquiry from home and abroad on the visiting information. Therefore, we launched the visitor online pre-registration 2 months earlier than the last show. Now please click the link:, and register for free badge, which is charged of 50RMB for onsite registration. Besides, pre-registered visitors can save time from queuing for efficient visit, and will also get the latest news of both bauma China and exhibitors.
This year China has several good policies, which cannot compared with the investment of 4 trillion in 2008, however, are the timely help for the Chinese construction machinery enterprises. The industry now is facing overcapacity, homogeneity, and the new revolution for the industry is imperative. Under the fierce competition, the enterprises need pay more attention to the innovation.
During the key period of the industry transition, bauma China, to some extent, becomes the crucial turning point for the next 10-year development of the Chinese construction machinery industry. Welcome to bauma China and obtain the industry trends! With devoted heart and responsibility, bauma China is always be part of the industry, accompanying with the enterprises for the sustainable success!