bauma China 2012: 采购需求与利好投资刺激工程机械行业发展
- 作者:液压网
- 时间:2012-09-04
- 阅读:891
- 观众在线预登记火热进行中,报名请登录
- 在线预登记观众免费进场;现场登记观众需付50元人民币畅览4天展会
在线预登记给力进行 全球观众踊跃报名
bauma China(上海宝马展)2012观众在线预登记已开通一月有余,截至目前已有逾50个国家和地区的观众登记参观,其中来自印度、俄罗斯、美国、新加坡、马来西亚、日本等地的观众登记非常活跃,观展热情高涨。从登记来看,bauma China(上海宝马展)2012将吸引众多新兴市场的专业观众现场观摩、洽谈商机,迎来更多采购需求。另外,本届展会为保证观众质量及展会服务效率,实施观众在线预登记免费参观,而现场登记的观众需购买50元人民币4天参观通票畅览展会,望各位观众可以提前在线预登记(,避免现场耗时排队,愿您轻松参与本届工程机械行业盛会!
各项投资建设 助推行业回暖
距bauma China(上海宝马展)2012的开幕已不到3个月,最近的建设投资消息,令工程机械行业对第四季度的表现有所突破充满信心。铁道部的近期数据表明,今年全路固定资产投资额将有所提升,主要是基础建设投资增加了640亿元,全年基建投资将达到4,700亿元。另外民间资本投资的开放给铁路等带来了新的资金来源,铁路投资重启的序幕正在逐渐拉开。另据报道,在国家政策扶持下,掘进机械作为城市轨道交通,水利工程,公路铁路,市政工程等领域隧道施工的关键设备,市场需求巨大。未来5到10年期间,各类全新断面隧道掘进机的市场需求应在1000台左右,销售额应不低于500亿元人民币。在把握投资建设带来的机遇的同时,企业若能做到自身技术创新、市场战略、对客户的关注以及综合竞争力的提升,将实现强大稳定的可持续发展。
商务洽谈与解决方案 尽在bauma China 2012
bauma China(上海宝马展)2012将于今年11月27-30日隆重登场,届时在覆盖整个上海新国际博览中心的30余万超大展示空间上,将汇聚全球40个国家和地区的近2700家(2010年1850家)展商,预计迎来逾17万观众前来参观洽谈。体验最新的产品技术、选择适合的洽谈项目,众多专业企业将满足现场各类采购需求;如何提高产能控制、库存处理能力,洞悉市场走向,全球行业翘楚专家将共同探讨,提供实用解决方案。精彩与收获不止于此,机遇与发展在此萌发,bauma China(上海宝马展)2012期待您的加入!
bauma China 2012: Purchase requirements and investments boost the development of construction machinery
- Visitor online pre-registration is in full swing: please visit
- Pre-registered visitors enjoy free entry; while visitors who don’t pre-register but buy a ticket on site should pay 50 RMB for 4 days
Visitors around the world register online actively
bauma China 2012 online registration system has opened for over a month. At present, visitors from more that 50 countries and regions, have pre-registered online. The most active visitors are from India, Russia, U.S.A., Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, etc. According to the pre-registration, bauma China 2012 is expected to attract many professional visitors from emerging markets coming for business and information. Furthermore, in order to improve the quality of visitors and efficiency of exhibition service, bauma China 2012 implements the ticket fee system. Each of 4-day exhibition visit costs 50 RMB, but it is totally free of charge for online pre-registered visitors. Now you can register on and benefit from free entry and avoid long waiting times at the venue.
Investments in constructions promote the industry rebound
It’s less than 3 months from the opening of bauma China 2012. Recent news about construction investment gives confidence in the fourth quarter performance of construction machinery. The data released by the Ministry of Railways recently, show that the fixed investment in the whole railway will be improved, mainly an increase of 64 billion RMB infrastructure investments, which makes the annual infrastructure investment reaches 470 billion RMB. According to another report, with the support of national policies, the excavation machinery as the key equipment for tunnel construction of urban rail transportation, water conservancy, highway, railway and municipal engineer, has a huge market demand. In the next 5-10 years, the demand for all kinds of new face tunnel boring machines should be about 1,000 units worthy of no less than 50 billion RMB. With the opportunities of construction investment, the enterprises should also improve the technology innovation, market strategy, customer focus, and comprehensive competiveness. Those are the core of sustainable development.
With the warning of United Nations food crisis, how to stabilize food production will be the top priority of the country. China adopted a lot of measures to strengthen the construction of agriculture infrastructure. The rapid development of agriculture construction provides growing space for small agriculture construction machinery products. In China, the purchase subsidy of farm machinery has increased from 70 million RMB in 2004 to 17.5 billion RMB in 2011. With the police incentives, farm machinery’s total output, working area and mechanization has improved rapidly in China. In 2011, the national farm machinery’s total output was 970 KW, an increase of 370 KW compared to that in 2003. In recently years, China agriculture construction machinery develops fast. However, as more small and medium-sized enterprises enter this market, a lot of manufacturers are of low level technologies and mechanization; many agriculture machinery products’ quality is poor and short life. Some products have high homogeneity, low price competition, poor after-sale service, short warranty time and other problems. In the future, the small agriculture machinery enterprises with small production scale and low competitiveness will be gradually reduced. The products will be diversified and serialized.
Business meetings and solutions in bauma China 2012
bauma China 2012 will take place from 27 to 30 Nov, 2012, covering the whole Shanghai New International Expo Centre of over 300,000 sqm. It has attracted nearly 2,700 exhibitors (2010: 1,850 exhibitors) from 40 countries and regions, and is supposed to welcome over 170,000 visitors. Many professional enterprises will meet the needs of visitors by showcasing the latest products and technology; the global industry experts will discuss together about the hot topics and give advice on the solutions, like how to improve capacity control, inventory processing, and how to figure out the market trends, etc. More gains and opportunities are here at the venue. Welcome to join bauma China 2012!
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